Pelsklædt Vegetar

Forholdsvis positiv blog med betragtninger over livets små paradokser, løse strøtanker og egne interesser. Feel free to comment :-)

Sted: Aalborg, Jutland, Denmark

torsdag, marts 30, 2006

Frozen Lonely - Separately Preserved

Frozen Lonely

Separately Preserved

I the midst of my own fertility

Creation in motion

I feel the hardness of the frozen ground

Come between us

Snowflakes falling from my eyes

Like heartbeats of stone

Ice flowers of lost conversations

Falling to the ground

Melting on my pillow

Separately absorbed

I miss your tender touch

Holding hands

Your tension and attention

Just isn’t enough

I miss the way you cup

Our lives

Your hand around my breast

Separated by sheets

I miss your hunger

Stuffed with conformity

I miss to feel you

Playing with the remote control

Curiously exploring the borders

Ignoring the live signals

Of my body and my mind

Travelling alone through space

On a rainy summer day

Preserved to be received

Spiced with thunder and lightning

On the other side of the bed
